Ransomware Bombs Lurking On Your Computers—Free Fix Announced

Pittsburgh PA, December 11, 2017: There are many millions of computer hard drives, from every hard drive maker, that are especially open to devastating ransomware attacks not previously reported. These drives are known as a TCG Self-Encrypting drives (SEDs). If they are not properly initialized, there can be trouble with ransomware attacks. If these are…

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Announcing a USB Drive Appliance to Protect Against Ransomware

Pittsburgh PA, May 15, 2017: The hacker attacks that hit global networks with ransomware in a dozen nations last Friday, crippling operations from telecommunications and transportation to hospitals, underscores the need for effective protection from malware such as this. The Drive Trust Alliance (DTA) has created a USB drive appliance with up to two terabytes…

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Comments on Privacy Issues in Federal Automated Vehicles Policy

NHTSA published the Federal Automated Vehicles Policy Accelerating the Next Revolution in
Roadway Safety in the Federal Register requesting public comments by November 22, 2016.

To aid NHTSA in monitoring highly automated vehicles (HAV), the Agency will request that
manufacturers and other entities voluntarily provide reports regarding how the Guidance has
been followed. This reporting process may be refined and made mandatory through a future
rulemaking. It is expected that this would require entities to submit a Safety Assessment to
NHTSA for each HAV system, outlining how they are meeting this Guidance at the time they
intend their product to be ready for use (testing or deployment) on public roads.
Among other issues, the Safety Assessment would address the issue of Privacy.1 We recommend
that certain essential privacy requirements regarding the use of encryption be specifically
required in the Guidance.

Public comment by the DTA on NHTSA-2016-0090 at https://www.nhtsa.gov/nhtsa/av/index.html

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Webinar – Save the Data: How to Protect Data Wherever It Lives

– Watch the webinar
– Download the slides

Data has exploded across devices and anything with memory. No matter where it lives and whatever it is – sensitive personal, medical, financial, business data, photos and music – all such data is highly vulnerable, In fact, breaches occur daily and the growing number of interconnected “things” means that even more data is open to attacks, theft, hacks, and loss. This webcast, featuring a leading expert on encryption and data protection, will examine just why stored-data is not always protected, the role of encryption across devices and storage systems, and how encryption can satisfy compliance regulations. The webcast will look at were to find secure data devices and how they can be deployed in the enterprise and in the IoT, as well as current and emerging standards to support growing demands and requirements for data protection and encryption.

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The Memory of Cars

An estimated 5% of the memory market goes into automobiles today and this is expected to grow to 10% within the next few years as cars use more and more electronic functions to provide greater safety, greater efficiency, driver assist capabilities, communication between vehicles and local networks and richer telemetric and entertainment functions. Today about…

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Bloomber Business Week – The Battle for Smart Car Data

In the July 18-24 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, there is an article on the Battle for Smart Car Data.  The article points out that McKinsey estimates that in-car data services and ride sharing could generate $1.5 Trillion annually by 2030. They also point out that there were 228M smartphones in use in the U.S. in 2015…

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SED SSDs in Toshiba’s 2016 Catalog

In their 2016 product catalog, Toshiba lists several client solid state drives (SSDs) that are self-encrypting under either the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Opal or Pyrite specifications generic lexapro.  Sizes range from 60GB to 1TB.  Want more details?  Click here to visit the Toshiba site and look for the “Storage Products SSD/SSHD/HDD” catalog.  You can…

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Sandisk X300 SSD

SanDisk Corporation announced the inaugural members of its broad ecosystem of independent software vendors (ISV) for security management around the newly announced SanDisk X300s SSD, the company’s first self-encrypting SSD based on TCG Opal 2.0 specifications.  ISV partners including Absolute SecureDrive™, Check Point Full Disk Encryption, Microsoft BitLocker for Encrypted Hard Drive, Wave Systems EMBASSY® Security Center,…

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History of Encryption on the iPhone

The Apple/FBI debate over the iPhone from the San Bernadino incident has been garnering a lot of press lately.  This article details the evolution of encryption on the iPhone.  Click <a href="http://www lexapro online.informationweek.com/mobile/iphone-encryption-5-ways-its-changed-over-time/d/d-id/1324425?_mc=NL_IWK_EDT_IWK_daily_20160226&cid=NL_IWK_EDT_IWK_daily_20160226&elqTrackId=be38376442da44bdbf46c9ae2a010aee&elq=6021240ab65f4cba8c0b7b50716618bd&elqaid=67950&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=19746″ target=”_blank”>here to read more.

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Shodan – Indexing IoT

Shodan is a search engine that is indexing all kinds of devices.  As with most technology, there is the opportunity for this information to be used for good and bad.  This article underscores the need for good security.  Click here to read more.

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