USB Self-Encrypting Drives for Forensics and Digital Evidence
The Drive Trust Alliance (DTA) offers USB Self-Encrypting Drives for digital evidence collection, preservation, and distribution. In eForensics a well-known first-step involves taking the data on the original drive and copying that over to another drive in order to reduce the likelihood that data on the original drive will be modified either intentionally or unintentionally. The DTA Forensic drive is a perfect solution for making and distributing bonifide copies of the original.
And later, if destruction of the copies is required, the data on a copy can be destroyed by fast, permanent, and effective crypto-erase. Once a drive is crypto-erased, it is back in factory state and can be quickly and easily configured for another digital evidence case.
With the fast USB 3.0+ interface, even large drives can be copied quickly.
The DTA Forensics Drive will take one Administrator and up to 8 Read Only Users. Read Only Users can only unlock a drive for reading. They cannot modify data on the drive. The Administrator can read, write, and erase a drive.
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