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Membership Levels Detail

FREE – No membership required

Content available on the www.DriveTrust.com website is free and does not require a membership.  Below is a list of the types of content available for free.

  1. Pointers to public educational material on SEDs that experts believe is the best material.
  2. Pointers to our GitHub and SourceForge sites for the Source Code for Opal Clients that is always free.
  3. List of all known SED devices in the marketplace, plus (if available) single-click buy and single-click to specifications provided by vendors.
  4. List of all known client software for SEDs. This includes those that employ our open source code, and those that don’t. This includes logos and company web sites where possible.
  5. How-to pages, including videos, on how to set up and use SEDs with and without using our open source code.
  6. The public LinkedIn message board.
SILVER: $960 / yr

Silver Level Services are designed for IT and other professionals who want to stay abreast of SED developments.  Below is a list of services available at no charge to Silver Members.

  1. Access to the current Open Source roadmap web page(s) that describe future features, planned features, and status of planned features.
  2. Access to the description of the pluses and minuses of all known SEDs in the marketplace.
  3. Guaranteed two-business-day response to questions sent from your registered email (limit: 4/mo.).
  4. A listing, if requested, on our members page on www.DriveTrust.com
  5. The private LinkedIn message board specific to IT discussions on SED Deployment.
GOLD: $3,200 / yr

Gold Level Members get all Silver Level Services at no charge.  Gold Level Members may also procure Custom Professional Services below at commercial rates through our member services agreement.

  1. Source code implementation support
  2. Additional software development on a for-hire basis
  3. Internal Member Education – Onsite
  4. Webinar-based Education
  5. Conference Talks
  6. Conference Booths
  7. Conference Sponsorship (Less Conference Fee)
  8. Tailored SED Collateral
  9. Custom (branded) White Papers
  10. Public Relations Partnerships
  11. Other services appropriate to your needs
  12. The private LinkedIn message board specific to Gold Level Members.
PLATINUM: $36,000 / yr

Platinum Level Members enjoy the same benefits as Gold Level Members, plus the additional benefits below.

  1. A Seat on the Drive Trust Alliance Open Source Roadmap Advisory Board that meets for two hours quarterly and access to the associated private LinkedIn message board.
  2. A Seat on the Drive Trust Alliance Website Advisory Board that meets for two hours quarterly and access to the associatedprivate LinkedIn message board.
  3. A 10% discount off the commercial rates for all Custom Professional Services
  4. A Platinum member can negotiate changes to our member services agreement. Gold Level Members must accept the standard services agreement as is.  The Drive Trust Alliance remains open, of course, to suggestions for improvement to our standard services agreement.
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